I just wasn’t feeling it and there wasn’t one I came across that spoke to me. Plus, we didn’t even set up the Radko tree because we got rid of it and failed to replace it (hoping to rectify that this afternoon but we’ll see). Then, on the way out of Gatlinburg, we stopped at a huge, scary, overwhelming, overstimulating Christmas store. I love Christmas decorations, but even I was so freaked out by it that right before I ran out screaming, I happened to be near Emily and said with my head down, “I swore I was not going to say this word, but I think it’s time for…” and she, not listening to me at all, spotted something in the distance and yelled out, “Radko!” Which, of course, was the word I was not going to say. So we went over to the Radko section and I immediately felt calmer and more at home. Then I looked over and saw this:
It is called “Christmas Chalet,” and I could not resist. So now we have another Radko to add to the collection, and another memory to recall as we get the tree ready next year. Thanks, mom! (She gave us all Christmas money in our stockings.) I also got a lighted tree topper for the family tree. It was what we went to the store to get, but they only had a few, and I was not sure about them. Then Beth brought me the one that I was considering of the small collection they had there, so I decided it was a keeper, meant to be. Thanks, Beth!
We are off on another trek to Knoxville, so Paige can spend her Target gift cards and so we can go by her dorm to get her camera battery charger. It turns out everybody needed showers, so I am the last in line for that (really what were they thinking—it takes me the longest to get ready, but maybe they were thinking ‘she uses all the hot water’? True story).
OH. Happy New Year!
....they seem to get bigger (and heavier) every year for some reason. Time to start constructing a support apparatus, steel beam support or perhaps a 2x4 framing structure with that new invisible paint they have out now.
Posted by: occupant | January 02, 2012 at 12:23 PM
I so love your posts and totally love that I am part of your 2011 Christmas memories. Here's to many more memories!!!
Posted by: Tracie | January 05, 2012 at 04:31 AM