...this old thing still around?
I decided to read through my Neighbor Wars story the other day and I finally got an urge to finish the story. A couple of things stopped me in the last, oh, five years or so: Sloth, laziness, deficit of focus. Selling a house and a couple of moves. Working a lot more (not anymore). Oh, and I am actually sincerely sorry to report that in the intervening years, I discovered that Wanda got very ill and ultimately succumbed to her disease, so I felt weird about continuing the story despite using pseudonyms for my former neighbors. Then I decided that nobody really reads this stuff anyway, and the story is mine and mine alone, on top of being 100% completely true.
So, continue it I will. Not with this post. I have to work myself up to it. I write this now in a new house, in a new neighborhood, in a new city, in a new time zone. That means I am no longer "close to Nashville..but not that close." Now I'm about 3 hours from Nashville, in Knoxville. I have stories about my new neighbors, too. These stories are happy stories. I live in one of the 'hoods of Knoxville' and life here is so quirky and different and cool. My house is old, more than 100 years. I will post a photo of it on this post if I can remember how to do that. Let's see:
Looks like I remembered. How about that. This is a photo of my house before we bought it. I believe it might be the real estate promo photo. See those double windows up on the second floor, the little ones kind of to the left? If I hang my head back and a little upside down I can see them. It's my new thing, hanging on my laptop on one of the girls' old Foof (fancy beanbag) chairs. According to the neighborhood experts, my house is a Queen Anne Victorian with a Craftsman porch, but I look at it and all I see is Craftsman. Lots of neighboring houses are Victorians, though. It's really fun to walk around and admire them.
OK, I have procrastinated enough. I think I forgot to mention I'm back in school. Yeah, I'd like to get that over with as quickly as possible. It cuts into my lazing-around time. But in order to get it done, I must get back to it. All I need to do is go back and fix the two typos I found when rereading my Neighbor Story...
Interesting and well written, Seanna. You should keep writing!
Posted by: Charlene Omand | May 26, 2015 at 04:06 PM
Amazing what you come across doing a search. Really cool pic. I am looking at an old house in El Paso now.
Posted by: James | July 08, 2015 at 04:54 PM