It was the day before my children turned into adults. Well, technically anyway. It was also a few days before Fina left. Things were pretty busy. They still are, but they have calmed down considerably. I was sort of musing about how it felt not to have minor children anymore and how it hadn't occurred to me to wonder about that until fairly recently, maybe in the last year or so. Turns out, it feels great. It doesn't seem like the smartest thing in the world, to have 3 little kids under the age of 3 when you're 25. But then they grow up, and you're 43. Then it seems like a stroke of pure, mad genius. So, I'm good with it. I also like that Paige and Emily (hey we can name them now that they are adults now, right? I've been easing into that in the last few months anyway) are going off in a few months. Of course, I will miss them just like I miss their big sister, but I think it's healthy and good that they are starting their next adventures far enough away that they will need to live there. It's also neat, but weird, that they will be about 2-3 hours away from each other, with us in the middle. Nashville and Knoxville. And then little old Cookeville.
I have photos of the birthday celebration and much more, but as we know, they are elsewhere. And I am comfortable where I am. Plus, I never really started this thing for the photos. It's always been about the words. I think I've gotten away from that in the last year or so and I miss it. I'll probably throw one in just for fun, though. (Ha threw in a bunch--thanks, Internet!)
My fabulous husband is off trying to hunt down mirrors for the new bathroom downstairs. I found some that I liked but I think my favorite (reasonably priced) one is too small:
Isn't it cute, though? Maybe it could go on the wall perpendicular to where the mirrors need to be. It is awfully cute. I actually think it would be OK and sort of stylish but it's also $90 and for that I can just get the ones that come with the vanity, you know? Then there is this one:
I like it but I think the frame is a bit too wide. I dunno. It would be OK I think. If I could just get any one I wanted I would probably get this one, though:
Yeah, that right there is about $600 worth of reflective fabulousness. I just don't see the point of that, do you? Well, I see the point but I was thinking more like $100 total. I could even do it for $10 if I spray painted the foofy oval mirrors that were there before. It may happen, who knows. Just plain old espresso-colored rectangular mirrors should not be such a difficult get.
I suppose I should be off to start my workday (night). I woke up with a pretty irritated eye and so I had to take out my contact. I just went to the eye doctor week before last, too. Hmph. He plays the recorder and dresses up in renaissance clothing. Not when he is being an eye doctor, duh! Apparently he showed up for one of Emily's classes that way and she recognized him despite the disguise. He is a smart guy. He has an old wooden ice box that I've considered committing a felony to break in and acquire but alas, my better nature kicks in and I only consider, then reject the idea. Why did I start in about the eye doctor? Oh yeah. So I have one contact in and one out. This should be fun. I wonder what my boss would say if I called in and pled severe vision impairment. Oh, wait. I know exactly what she'd say. After she stopped laughing hysterically. And she'd be right. Sooooo, it's off with me.