These are some photos for people who had questions about sorting scrapbook/papercraft stuff by color.
The first two are close-ups of my tray of orange stuff, pulled out and on my desk. Then there is a photo of how it looks all set up in my little white cube things, and then I pulled out my green tray (very full), my blue tray (also pretty full) and last, my yellow tray, which is sort of sad because I don't use a lot of yellow. As you can see, the orange tray has stuff in it that also has blue in it (or yellow) but I don't care. I probably won't mind a little blue if I was looking for something mainly orange, but there's a good chance I will not want the orange if I was looking for something blue. And in the green tray there is a container that has green and blue buttons. Eventually I will divide them up but I don't think I have even opened that one yet. The system is to make things easier for me, not to drive me crazy/take a ton of time, know what I mean? I also don't keep most ribbon in these trays, or individual pens and markers. That doesn't make sense to me and I have great storage for that set up and working for me already.
I went with the trays because they fit the space I had available to me. I wasn't going to buy new bookcases to fit bins when I had these three cubes with open slots ready to go. The bottom three are black/white, brown and then one for clear stuff that I haven't really used that much.
Hope this is helpful--at the very least, it's photos of a 'sort by color' system that a regular scrapbooker is actually using and finds very helpful and often very inspirational. I've used lots of stuff I never would have thought of since I adopted this method.